From Being 107 Pounds Overweight to Competing In a Fitness Modelling Contest

Hey, I’m Mary and this is my weight loss story and how I lost over 100 pounds in a little over 7 months.

mary_before_weight loss and the morning fat melter program

Just like most people, I never really thought about my weight. I loved cooking and gave little thought to the fact that I was slowly gaining weight.

By the time I started becoming aware of my weight, I was at 238 pounds.

At 47 years of age and being 107 pounds overweight…

I only realized that I was in very bad shape at a routine checkup, when my doctor told me that I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and to make matters worse, I was pre-diabetic, with my blood sugar being over 150.

According to my doctor, I had to lose at least 40 pounds in the next 3 months, when he schedules our next appointment or face a life dependent on insulin.

From a happy food lover to a pre- diabetic…

The news shattered me and the thought of having to depend on insulin injections for the rest of my life just sent fear through me.

It’s strange how a short visit to the doctor can turn your life around: from a happy food lover to a pre- diabetic…

I became so scared and worried about my health that for the first week, I couldn’t even sleep at night.

So I did what I’ve always done for 47 years whenever anything went wrong… I buried my feelings in food, but this time I was disgusted with myself….

I was feeling sorry for myself…  

How did it come to this ?

And then I looked in the mirror and maybe for the first time I really saw myself as the fat, sad woman I’d become…

That’s when I decided THAT I WOULD CHANGE MY LIFE! And get my old body back!

And do you know what happened then? I bet you do. I bet it’s happened to you too.

I picked myself up and told myself that I would have the self-control to exercise daily and eat healthy…

But I failed miserably…

The truth is that I hate going to the gym because I’ve always felt like a blob compared to the younger women in their tight little yoga pants…

Besides, I had a teenager son who was living with me and a job. How the heck was I supposed to find time to go to the gym on a daily basis?

And as for food, I don’t know about you, but I love food. I love it!

I mean my whole life food is what comforts me when life gets hard…

Food is also how I celebrate when times are good and food is how I show love to my family and my kids.

And yes, I tried everything to lose weight and look and feel better about myself.

I tried a few diets like intermittent fasting, the ketogenic diet and a few cleanses but they all left me hungry and miserable…

I did even try insane exercise routines that made me think I was going to die because of how sore I was after I did them…

I even joined weight watchers… but for 2 months, nothing worked …

I became depressive and because all this stress, I got 7 pounds heavier than when I started.

And it was 1 month before my doctor appointment and I was getting terrified…  I was supposed to lose 40 pounds but instead, I gained 7 pounds…

I couldn’t take it anymore…

I took a deep breath and when I exhaled, the tears started flowing….

I was so tired of hating my body’s reflection in the mirror…

I have really done my best to eat the right way and exercise…

The phone-call that changed my life

But in that moment the phone rang …

It was my 26 years old daughter, who called me to ask if I wanted to go to Hawaii with her for 2 weeks, since her boyfriend couldn’t take that much time off.

After I called my boss, I said YES, since I had nothing to lose and I needed a break from all this…  

And it turned out to be my best decision ever, because it literally saved my life.

My daughter won those tickets 6 months before and our hotel was close to the beach and offered lots of privacy and relaxation.

The next morning, I met Aline…

She had a partnership with our hotel as a personal trainer and I was amazed to see that all her clients were overweight women just like me, but somehow they were filled with energy and enthusiasm…

Since I’ve always been shy, my daughter approached her and she came to talk to me.

After 10 minutes I realized that her method is completely different from what I’ve ever tried before.

She told me a little more bout her method and it seemed so easy …

Then the receptionist told me that she’s lost over 40 pounds herself with Aline’s help …

Indeed, Aline promised me that I would lose at least 10 pounds over the next 2 weeks, so I decided to hire her as my weight loss couch.

I was supposed to be in the hotel lobby at 8 o clock the next morning …

Aline told me to come on my empty stomach and that I can drink lots of water before the workout and have coffee with milk, but no sugar.

The workouts that made me start loving to exercise

I was so out of shape, I hadn’t exercise in years, so I went to bed that night feeling frightened for the next day …

We started with a warm up, and then an intense workout, which surprisingly lasted only 18 minutes and then stretching.

It was not easy, but because Aline did the workout with me and I didn’t want to let her down, I didn’t stop!

I was so proud of me 🙂

Then, Aline brought me a protein shake which was so amazingly delicious.

She told me to drink it right then because it would increase my metabolism and prevent my muscles from getting sore the next day.

Then she handed me a small handbook with all the nutritional guidelines for the next 2 weeks.

I was shocked that I was allowed to eat 6 meals a day. 

I woke up the next day refreshed, with a big smile on my face, like I haven’t woken up in years…

And surprisingly, I wasn’t sore almost at all …

I asked Aline if my daughter can join us and she said yes, so we did a new 18 minutes workout routine every morning for 2 weeks.

On day 5 I finally found the courage to step on the scale.

Somehow I miraculously lost 3 pounds.

But I didn’t stop there …

And even though on day 7 Aline told me to eat everything I wanted, in the morning of the 10th day I had lost 8,7 pounds.

In those 2 weeks I lost almost 14 pounds.

Even my daughter lost 3 pounds, however as my vacation was coming to an end, I started to worry again….

I was feeling so much better, my energy increased dramatically, but how was I gonna continue my journey without Aline’s help ?

I knew that once I’ll be home I won’t be able to keep up with the same routine, however Aline gave me a plan to follow for the next 2 months.

She told me that it is all about taking baby steps and that I should just keep on going every single day: do a workout on my empty stomach and eat according to the schedule she created for me …

What happened after I returned home

Even though I used to hate going to the gym, I enjoyed doing the workouts every morning.

The meal plan she gave me was easy to prepare, in fact it took me under 10 minutes to prepare all the foods for 1 day.

At the end of the 30th day since I started, I had lost 19.4 pounds…

I was still 20 plus pounds over the weight my doctor recommended, but I went to the appointment anyway.

My blood tests dramatically improved and my doctor told me that I should continue the program I was following, because my progress from our last appointment was great.

When I told him that I had started only around 30 days before, he was really shocked.

This was the first time I realized that I was on a mission, not only for myself, but for all the women who have been fighting with their weight and didn’t see results even though they tried everything.

I realized then, that if I can get back to my skinny jeans, I would open up a path that hundreds of thousands of women could walk on to change their life.

After two months on the plan, my best girlfriends finally convinced me to go out with them.

So I agreed to meet them for dinner and I figured I would put on my favorite dress because I always liked the way I looked in it. Even when I was heavy.

When it came time to get dressed I realized it didn’t fit. I looked like a little girl trying on her mom’s clothes. My favorite shoes didn’t fit either.

Everything was too big, I couldn’t believe it. Even my feet had gotten smaller. And I panicked …

I called them to tell them I would be late and I ran to the store to find something to wear and found myself trying on clothes I would have been petrified to look at myself in, before I lost the weight.

I wish I had a picture of the look on my friend’s faces when I arrived at the restaurant. They were shocked, happy, and jealous. They all gushed how I look ten years younger

While I was walking back to my car a guy 10 years younger than me, actually came over and asked me for a date.

It was the first time that’s happened since college…

When I left Hawaii, Aline was nice enough to give me her phone number, so since the plan she gave me was for only 2 months, I called her J

She was not surprised at all when I told her I had lost 37 pounds..

She told me then that she would send me my email the plan to follow for the coming months ..

A few months down the line, having been very faithful to Aline’s plan, I was seeing a huge transformation in my body.

I followed her plan for 7 consecutive months and half, and I had lost 107 pounds!

It was almost unreal; I was slimmer, well-toned and much more confident than I had ever been.

I wasn’t risking diabetes anymore and my blood pressure and cholesterol levels were similar to the ones of young athletes.

In fact my doctor freaked out when he saw me ….

But after I told him my story, he asked me to give him a copy of the guidelines Aline gave me, so he could give them to all his overweight patients…

I was healthier and happier than ever, and in fact, I was so confident that I decided to do something crazy for a simple woman like me…  

A few months later, I decided to visit Aline and surprise her with my new body.

The biggest challenge of my life

I was at the swimming pool when we met, and strangely, she wasn’t surprised at all…

She told me that all her clients who follow her guidelines for 1 whole year get similar results.

But she told me that I was ready …

Ready for what I asked her?

She said: “Ready to step on stage and show everybody how hard you’ve worked“

I was still in the fog… I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about…

She was actually recommending me to step on stage and compete in a fitness contest …

The thought of participating in such a contest has never crossed my mind, but since she gave me a 7 days getting ripped protocol I decided to do it.

After 1 month and the protocol I mentioned, I felt ready, so I went through with it…

It was a fitness modelling contest for women over the age of 45.

Now, I didn’t win…

In fact there were 23 women who competed at my category, and I was not even in the first 16, but for a woman who was close to being dependent on insulin for the rest of her life because of how fat she was…

I mean I was a long way ahead of my previous condition!

What more could I ask for?

This is a picture taken by my son and daughter, who came to cheer for their mom J

 I have since maintained my new weight, I love myself more than ever, I am filled with confidence and YES, I will compete again.

I wish to encourage anyone struggling with their weight not to give up.

Aline has recently launched her online weight loss program called The Morning Fat Melter Program, which is the same plan she gave me, but in a downloadable form and DVD.

And YES, it is so cheap that everyone can access it – for a limited time only, you can start and save 75% !

There is truly nothing that is impossible to achieve when you put your mind to it.

If I did it, so can you!

Start The Morning Fat Melter Program with 75% OFF on the next page – for a limited time only!